Section 504
Information Regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against
persons with a disability in any program receiving federal financial
assistance. As it relates to the school setting, it assures that persons
with disabilities have educational opportunities and benefits equal to
those provided to nondisabled students.
The Scottsboro City School
System has specific responsibilities under Section 504, which include
the responsibility to identify, evaluate, and, if the child is
determined to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to
appropriate and reasonable educational accommodations. Additional
procedural safeguards and rights may be afforded students who are
identified under Section 504. A copy of the 504 Procedural Safeguards
and Rights can be accessed using the related documents link found to the
right of this narrative. If additional information is desired
regarding Section 504 in relation to the school setting, please contact
Scottsboro City School System's 504 Coordinator, Mrs. Shalyn Benson,
at 256-218-2100.